Customer Spotlight: Rush County Fair, Rushville, Indiana

The Rush County Fair in Rushville, Indiana, has been a staple event in the community since 1926. It’s run by the Rush County Agricultural Association, a nonprofit organization.Watch Communications has provided internet service for the fair for more than 10 years. We talked with Chris Jones, a board member of the Rush County Fair, and John Meyer, past President of the Rush County Fair to learn how Watch Communications’ service has been of service to this important annual community event.


Watch: Chris and John, how are you using our internet service and how has it helped with the operations of the annual fair?

Chris: It’s been incredibly important in so many ways. We’re a small community and internet service isn’t even something everyone has here. So being able to offer it the past few years to our vendors has changed the game.

John: Yes, definitely. I’d agree. It’s supported our vendors who really need it for processing credit card payments. And it’s a been a great convenience to attendees to have this payment option as well.

Chris: I’d add that everything is done online these days, too. So, the internet service Watch Communications provides has been a must-have for us— from getting our entertainment permits to paying sales tax. We could not run this fair without it.


Watch: That’s great to hear! We bring access to many rural communities that have limited options, and we love that we can do that. Because as you said, it’s nearly impossible to survive without it these days.

Chris: Very true. Especially when COVID hit, everybody needed to use the Internet. So, at the fairgrounds Watch turned it on for anybody to access who needed it.

And Watch did not charge us during that time. The families that didn’t have Internet, they could drive to the fairgrounds and use it out of their cars. And kids were doing homework out in the parking lot.

John: Yes, that really meant a lot to our community that Watch cared enough to help like that.


Watch: It’s part of our mission to serve rural areas and so we are really glad we could help during a time when life was turned upside down.So, the fairgrounds is also a voting location, correct?

Chris: Yes, it is! We opened up the fairgrounds, once we got internet service, as a voting spot. We’re actually the only place in the county to vote. It’s great to now have one centralized location with reliable internet service.

Watch: It sounds like your building and fairgrounds is a key location for so many things your community needs.

John: It really is. The fair is just one occasion, but it is a huge social event for our county. A chance to connect with people and just relax and have fun.And, since our fair has 4-H activities as well, the Purdue Extension office pretty much moves into the fairgrounds for two weeks during the Rush County Fair. They close their office downtown and operate here with our internet. It’s just easier for them, saving trips coming and going into town.

Watch: Do you have other events throughout the year at the fairgrounds?

Chris: It’s rented out for weddings as well. And DJ’s can request access to the Internet during the wedding if they need it for their equipment.

Watch Communications: It is exciting to know that your building and grounds would play an important role in your community. We are so glad we got to learn more about the Rush County Fair and all the ways you use internet service to keep the community going. And we’re really happy we can be part of this journey with you, too!

If you would like more information on our services, call us today at 1-800-589-3837, or fill out the contact form and a representative will get in touch with you shortly.

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